Search results

  1. Icecapade

    Custom Crates 1.1.0

    This script adds crates to your server which you should configure first in the config section. If you want to have ways to allow players to obtain keys, simply create your own denizen script To setup crates you have to place them in the world. Players can right click them with a key in their...
  2. Icecapade


    You have to make your edits, or create your own denizen script for custom model support, current implementation will only work with stair blocks. If you need help with that feel free to ask @ If they sneak + right click they will automatically unmounted because...
  3. Icecapade


    Icecapade updated SimpleSit with a new update entry: Better armor_stand alignment Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality SimpleSit - [1.3.4] Better armor_stand alignment

    armor_stands align immediately now
  5. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality Flag Visualizer - Fix for tab complete and missing error message

    Tab complete lists valid material block types now. Added an error message when the arg size is 3/4 and the first argument is not search.
  6. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality Flag Visualizer 1.1.0

    A handy dandy debug tool that makes flagged locations visible for you! It's a debug tool and not meant to be used as a global location flag storage. To visualize location flags you have to gather data first. New gathered blocks will be automatically shown as the material specified(default...
  7. Icecapade

    WorldGuard Converter

    Icecapade updated WorldGuard Converter with a new update entry: Polygon support Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Icecapade

    WorldGuard Converter - Polygon support

    Added support for polygon shaped regions. You need at least Denizen REL-1741 and Depenizen b703.
  9. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality SimpleSit - Check for solid block + 2 config options

    This update adds a check to prevent players from suffocating in a wall and also two config options for @apademide: #If false, players can not sit on corner stairs sit-on-corners: true #If true, players can sit on any stair even if they can not reach the location players-reach-any-block: false
  10. Icecapade


    Icecapade updated SimpleSit with a new update entry: Check for solid block + 2 config options Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Icecapade

    WorldGuard Converter - Support for conversion of all regions from a given world

    This update add the ability to convert all regions in a specific world. (for @Revanrose6 ) Also the syntax changed slightly and the script was generally cleaned. /wgtodenizen all to convert all regions on the server. /wgtodenizen world <world> to convert all regions in a specific world...
  12. Icecapade

    WorldGuard Converter

    Icecapade updated WorldGuard Converter with a new update entry: Support for conversion of all regions from a given world Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality SimpleSit 1.4.1

    This script allows players to sit on stairs with a simple right click on it. Documentation:
  14. Icecapade


    Icecapade submitted a new resource: SimpleSit - A script that allows players to sit on stairs. Read more about this resource...
  15. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality PreChunk 1.1.0

    PreChunk is a script which pregenerates your map. The center is the coordinate 0,0. It generates only square maps. It will pause until your TPS are higher than 18. Also you can increase the wait time on line 36 if you're receiving lag. But the default option should be fine. Syntax: /prechunk...
  16. Icecapade

    +rep good trade

    +rep good trade
  17. Icecapade

    WorldGuard Converter 1.0.3

    This script helps you to convert WorldGuardRegions into useable Denizen notables. You need Depenizen to run this script. Follow the relevant guide page if you don't know what notables are. Syntax: /wgtodenizen all to convert all...
  18. Icecapade

    WorldGuard Converter

    Icecapade submitted a new resource: WorldGuard Converter - a tool that converts Regions from Worldguard into notables Read more about this resource...
  19. Icecapade

    [OLD] WorldGuard Converter [can be removed]

    REDIRECT TO RESOURCE: This script helps you to convert WorldGuardRegions into useable Denizen notables. You need Depenizen to run this script. You can either convert all regions by using /wgtodenizen all or simply convert...
  20. Icecapade

    [OLD] BurnEntities [can be removed]

    DISCONTINUED This simple script allows everyone to combust entities directly via flint_and_steel. Download: