Search results

  1. Icecapade

    dPrevention - New flags and config options!

    This update adds a new config option: inventories.filler_item which allows to specify an item which will be shown in unused spots of inventories. Useful when you're using a resource pack. USE THE NEW CONFIG.DSC INSIDE THE .ZIP FILE AND RECONFIGURE. container-access will now prevent players to...
  2. Icecapade


    Icecapade updated dPrevention with a new update entry: 2 new custom events + vehicle fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Icecapade

    dPrevention - 2 new custom events + vehicle fixes

    This update adds 2 new events. dPrevention_player_block_amount_changed which fires everytime the block level of a player changes and dPrevention_area_created which fires everytime a new dPrevention area was created. You can find more info's about the added events here...
  4. Icecapade

    Currency parser - incl. Resource-pack - Fix: decimals in the copper value

    V.1.0.1 This update prevent's decimals in the copper value. V.1.0.2 The money should be displayed properly now.
  5. Icecapade

    Currency parser - incl. Resource-pack

    Icecapade updated Currency parser - incl. Resource-pack with a new update entry: Fix: decimals in the copper value Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Icecapade

    Currency parser - incl. Resource-pack 1.0.2

    A parser which parses numbers into an format. This example above represents the number: 12.345.678,99 100 Copper -> 1 Iron 100 Iron -> 1 Gold 100 Gold -> 1 Diamond 100 Diamonds -> 1 Emerald You can simply call the proc whenever you need to parse those numbers, or use an economy script and...
  7. Icecapade

    Currency parser - incl. Resource-pack

    Icecapade submitted a new resource: Currency parser - incl. Resource-pack - A parser which parses numbers into copper, iron, gold etc. Read more about this resource...
  8. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality Street Lights 1.1.1

    Street Lights - Turn your lights on! Street Lights is a simple script which allows administrators to create lights which automatically turn on when it gets dark! /lights - Gives the player the Light Tool With the Light Tool you can add and remove lights. Simply rightclick a supported block...
  9. Icecapade

    Street Lights

    Icecapade submitted a new resource: Street Lights - Turn the lights on! Read more about this resource...
  10. Icecapade

    GriefPrevention to dPrevention Converter

    Icecapade submitted a new resource: GriefPrevention to dPrevention Converter - Converts GriefPrevention data to dPrevention Read more about this resource...
  11. Icecapade

    GriefPrevention to dPrevention Converter 1.1.0

    Documentation: A tool which helps you to convert GriefPrevention data to dPrevention. You must have dPrevention and GriefPrevention installed. Also you need Depenizen installed. Simply...
  12. Icecapade

    dPrevention 1.3.1

    dPrevention prevents grief and let your players claim their land on your Minecraft server, written in dScript. Installation Install the dependencies listed below. Download dPrevention and drop the external folder into your `/plugins/Denizen/scripts` folder. You can change the following...
  13. Icecapade


    Icecapade submitted a new resource: dPrevention - Protects your players buildings! Read more about this resource...
  14. Icecapade


    Icecapade submitted a new resource: Dynmap-Bridge - A Dynmap-Bridge for Denizen to show your noted areas! Read more about this resource...
  15. Icecapade

    Dynmap-Bridge 0.9.0

    A Dynmap-Bridge for Denizen to show your noted areas! To use it you must flag the relevant world with a list of noted PolygonTag.note_name or CuboidTag.note_name or both, and provide the flag name or the inside the config.dsc. The config.dsc contains an example to use...
  16. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality Custom Name Droplets 1.0

    This script simply shows the display name of items on dropped_item entities!
  17. Icecapade

    Verified High Quality Flag Visualizer - Bugfixes

    The clickcommands lead to the wrong command. Added a permission to prevent normal players from using it.
  18. Icecapade

    dCreative 1.1.3

  19. Icecapade


    Icecapade submitted a new resource: dCreative - A server-sided creative mode! Read more about this resource...
  20. Icecapade

    Custom Crates

    Icecapade submitted a new resource: Custom Crates - a script which adds lootboxes and keys to open them Read more about this resource...