Fade Animations

Fade Animations 1.1

Denizen Version
This resource pack provides two great tools:
- A completely black and completely white display as well as 25%, 50%, and 75% transparent versions of each
- The negative spacing font found on GitHub with credit to AmberWat/NegativeSpaceFont for allowing us to use this within our resource packs

An example usage:

  type: task
  debug: false
  definitions: target|location
    - title title:<&font[fade:black]><&chr[0004]><&chr[F801]><&chr[0004]> fade_in:5t stay:0s fade_out:1s targets:<[target]>
    - wait 5t
    - teleport <[target]> <[location]>
    - playsound <[target]> sound:BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE

Using this script snippet, you could - run fancy_teleport def:<PlayerTag>|<LocationTag> and teleport a playertag (or a listtag of playertags) to a location and get a result like this!

An explanation of the tags used above:
<&font[fade:black]> - This is a tag that formats the rest of the element to the font file within the resource pack - this can also be achieved with tags like <&chr[0001].font[fade:black]> which would only format the text generated in that one tag as opposed to everything following the <&font[<namespace:file>]> tag
<&chr[0004]> - This generates a unicode character formatted from the fade resource pack - it's just a 256x256 image of a black box.
<&chr[F801]> - This generates a unicode character formatted from the negative spacing resource pack - it removes the one pixel of space between the two black boxes, making a 514x256 black box without a pixel space gap between them.

The character codes for 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% are 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0004 used in the <&chr[]> tag and are formatted with &font[fade:black] / &font[fade:white] or with the .font[fade:black] / .font[fade:white].

When using the white, you can use this in combination with color codes to colorize the images as well. Take these examples of what kind of possibilities you can add:
- Succumbing to flesh wounds
- Swimming in that suspicious yellow water hole
- Feeling the nice winter breeze
- Or even expressing your inner colors with any color on the hexadecimal and RGB color pallette!
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