- Denizen Version
- REL-1777
ItemClear is a simple command to clear out dropped items near you. This is a very common staff utility.
This also stores a temporary copy of items deleted, so if you accidentally delete something important you can get it back.
Temporary copies last 30 minutes before expiration, and can be accessed via clickable output from the command.
There is a maximum limit of 540 stacks (10 invs) saved at a time (with a 108 stack (2 invs) leeway range).
These times and limits can be configured via the config below the header inside the script file.
Just put the script in your scripts folder and reload.
/itemclear (range)
Range defaults to 100 if unspecified.
For example: /itemclear
Or: /itemclear 50
Permission: dscript.itemclear
GitHub current version: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/DenizenSampleScripts/blob/master/item_clear_command.dsc