items in this version include:Ghost_pepper_burrito, volcano_taco, burrito_supreme, crunchy_taco, and mountain_dew
give yourself any item in game via /ex give i@item_name_here_from_list_above
This script was made by calico-kid & mcmonkey
give yourself any item in game via /ex give i@item_name_here_from_list_above
This script was made by calico-kid & mcmonkey
type: world
on player right clicks with ghost_pepper_burrito:
- determine passively cancelled
- flag player ghostburrito:5
- wait 1t
- take i@ghost_pepper_burrito
- narrate "You start to feel the burn in your gut"
- run stomachgurgle
on player right clicks with volcano_taco:
- determine passively cancelled
- flag player ghostburrito:1
- wait 1t
- take i@volcano_taco
- narrate "You start to feel a mild burn in your gut"
- run stomachgurgle
on player right clicks with burrito_supreme:
- determine passively cancelled
- flag player burritohurt:5
- wait 1t
- take i@burrito_supreme
- narrate "Your gut starts to gurgle"
- run stomachgurgle
on player right clicks with crunchy_taco:
- determine passively cancelled
- flag player burritohurt:1
- wait 1t
- take i@crunchy_taco
- narrate "Your gut starts to gurgle"
- run stomachgurgle
on player right clicks with mountain_dew:
- determine passively cancelled
- wait 1t
- take i@mountain_dew
- playsound <player> sound:ITEM_SHIELD_BREAK pitch:2 volume:100
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_PARROT_IMITATE_DROWNED pitch:2 volume:100
- wait 5t
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_GENERIC_DRINK pitch:0.7 volume:100
- wait 1s
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_HORSE_JUMP pitch:0.7 volume:0.5
- wait 1s
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_HORSE_JUMP pitch:0.7 volume:0.5
- wait 1s
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_HORSE_JUMP pitch:0.7 volume:0.5
- wait 1s
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_HORSE_JUMP pitch:0.7 volume:0.5
- wait 1s
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_HORSE_JUMP pitch:0.7 volume:0.5
- wait 1s
- narrate "<green>You feel energy surging through you"
- adjust <player> walk_speed:0.4
- wait 10s
- adjust <player> walk_speed:0.2
on player starts sneaking:
- if <player.has_flag[burritohurt]>:
- shoot dropped_item[item=poop] o:<player.location> d:<player.location.relative[0,0,-1].with_y[<player.location.y>]> speed:0.5
- playsound <player.location> entity_slime_hurt pitch:0.5
- flag player burritohurt:-:1
- if <player.flag[burritohurt]> == 0:
- flag player burritohurt:!
- if <player.has_flag[ghostburrito]>:
- shoot dropped_item[item=poop] o:<player.location> d:<player.location.relative[0,0,-1].with_y[<player.location.y>]> speed:0.5 save:flamingturd
- burn <entry[flamingturd].shot_entities>
- playsound <player.location> entity_slime_hurt pitch:0.5
- flag player ghostburrito:-:1
- if <player.flag[ghostburrito]> == 0:
- flag player ghostburrito:!
on player right clicks with poop:
- shoot dropped_item[item=<player.item_in_hand.with[quantity=1]>] o:<player> speed:1.5 script:poop_sound save:item
- wait 1t
- take iteminhand
- define ent <entry[item].shot_entities.get[1]>
- define loc <[ent].location>
- repeat 20:
- define targ <[ent].location.points_between[<[loc]>].parse[find.entities[player].within[2].separated_by[|]].replace_text[li@].as_list>
- define loc <[ent].location>
- if <[targ].size||0> != 0 && <[targ].get[1].name||null> != null:
- animate <[targ].get[1]> hurt
- announce "<gold><bold><> hit <[targ].get[1].name> with POOP!"
- playsound <[targ].get[1].location> entity_slime_hurt pitch:0.5
- stop
- wait 1t
type: task
- playsound <[location]> entity_slime_hurt pitch:0.5
type: task
- playsound <player> sound:ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_AMBIENT pitch:0.<[0].to[9]> volume:10
- wait 1s
- adjust <player> walk_speed:0.0
- wait 1s
- adjust <player> walk_speed:0.1
- wait 5s
- adjust <player> walk_speed:0.2
- if <player.has_flag[ghostburrito]> || <player.has_flag[burritohurt]>:
- random:
- wait 5s
- wait 1m
- wait 3m
- wait 5m
- wait 7m
- wait 10m
- run stomachgurgle
type: item
material: brown_dye
display name: <&4>Poop
- Came out of <>'s ass
type: item
display name: 'ghost pepper burrito'
material: player_head[skull_skin=b4bcd0c4-1c10-4889-bb75-a1341693b27a|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4N2E2MjFlMjY2MTg2ZTYwNjgzMzkyZWIyNzRlYmIyMjViMDQ4NjhhYjk1OTE3N2Q5ZGMxODFkOGYyODYifX19]
- anal nuke
type: item
display name: 'volcano taco'
material: player_head[skull_skin=d61cff9c-80be-46af-a164-d632cb2589d9|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMWFhZTVjMWMyOTE5ZDdlYzQzOGY5M2Y4NDdjNjIzZDJlYTNmOWQzZWE3MDdlYWNkNmMxMjMzMTMxYmIxODM1In19fQ==]
type: item
display name: 'mountain dew'
material: player_head[skull_skin=3438371d-2289-4d58-979e-217648741112|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTc2ZDQwMTZmMTFjOTk5ZDU3ZTBmZGZiYmUyMmJjYzZmY2Y3OTFlMjQzNTJjY2VjOWM1NWYxYTkzNWQ4NjhiMyJ9fX0=]
type: item
display name: 'Burrito supreme'
material: player_head[skull_skin=668975ee-ab38-4c30-a71b-c6180d80a8d9|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjIxM2QzMjlkNDdhNWYyMWVlMzhhMzYxODc5NDYwOGI1YjUwZTI2YjMxMTE2OTQ0YTZjNDAxODYyMWZiMWZlNSJ9fX0=]
type: item
display name: 'crunchy taco'
material: player_head[quantity=2;skull_skin=4bb09c5c-bc27-4392-a42a-08da2b55d950|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGM4YjJlMTM0N2I3YWZiYmI2NDFjNTkwYjM2OWM2NWEyMmQxYThjZGMxZTBlZTQ0YzM2MzE4NTgwNWRiNGNlMCJ9fX0=]