Anthony said:
Ok so again, what's the difference between alphanumeric values in this list and strictly numeric values?
Ah I see the confusion now... too used to Denizen code and aren't aware of something that Denizen simplifies and abstractifies from the base Java.
In Denizen
- if a == b
- if 1 == 2
are the same thing with different specific inputs.
In Java they are vastly different.
- if ("a".equals("b"))
if (1 == 2)
The important part is that the text is a complex and slow function call, whereas the numbers is a single machine code operation.
The concept of a lookup table is actually to convert text into numbers where possible for precisely this reason.
If all you have is numbers, you don't need a lookup table, because there's no way or reason to change numbers into numbers.
You have all the speed of the world's best lookup table and then some more speed, without any effort!
BlackCoyote said:
when the new syntax for passed arguments already has a higher complexity enforced on default
I don't think it's higher complexity, just different. How would we simplify this setup for scriptors without reducing all the advantages the new style gives us?