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  1. Chaps79

    LaserTag Minigame

    Chaps79 updated LaserTag Minigame with a new update entry: LaserTag update Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Chaps79

    LaserTag Minigame - LaserTag update

    1. Improved accuracy of laser. 2. Bug fix in the setup script Redo Task
  3. Chaps79

    LaserTag Minigame 121b2

    Complete LaserTag Minigame and accompanying LaserTag Setup script. 1. Drop them into your scripts folder. 2. Set perms a. Manager - dscript.obi_manager_commands b. Admin - dscript.obi_admin_commands 3. Enter "/ex reload" 4. Enter "/lasertag setup" to begin setup. 5. Play your amazing...
  4. Chaps79

    LaserTag Minigame

    Chaps79 submitted a new resource: LaserTag Minigame - Entertain your players with this unique minigame! Read more about this resource...
  5. Chaps79

    Custom Potions [Deleted]

    Chaps79 submitted a new resource: Custon Potions - Brew Custom Potions and make them STACKABLE!! Read more about this resource...
  6. Chaps79

    Ice Wand 1.21

    Shoots beams of ice. Leaves patches of snow where it strikes. Damages, freezes, and slows mobs and players. Drop it in your Denizen/scripts folder. Type /ex reload. Set your permissions. Requires Depenizen. This script is built upon Aya's Lightning Blade script.
  7. Chaps79

    Ice Wand

    Chaps79 submitted a new resource: Ice Wand - Add distance between you and your foes with this magical ice wand! Read more about this resource...