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  1. S


    I planned to do a couple of these features for my own server once the rest of our plugins move out of 1.12.2 (starting to hate those guys lol.) The rest are functions I'm very familiar with, so I'll do it. I have most of it figured out. I think it should be done at the end of the week (day...
  2. S

    SmellyTunes - MIDI upgrade for vanilla Jukeboxes

    Hey folks! Busy day for me polishing the good stuff for you all, here is my most requested work (one whole person!) SmellyTunes will allow players to play a MIDI file on a Music Disc, exactly the way they would expect to. Read all about it at on the...
  3. S

    Denizence - GUI for Residence

    This GUI will give Residence owners buttons for modifying their residence Size, Subzones, Sale/Rental, Messages and all Flag types. It depends on PlaceholderAPI. If you have Denizen and Residence, you should probably also be running Depenizen if you are not already. Also, like my other...
  4. S

    Smellyboard - customizable informational sidebar

    My sidebar plugin is finally ready for production! I hope you enjoy it. Smellyboard comes with a handful of presets, such as a slime chunk finder and a redstone power probe. You can add any lines you like as "custom" entries in the config file, which is generated in the /plugins/Smellycraft/...
  5. S

    TabWorks - paginated, tabulated menu system

    Rushed to production in time for Christmas - here's TabWorks 1.0! Trivia: I named it after an amazing desktop manager Xerox made for MS Windows 3. TabWorks has already been described in great detail on the GitHub wiki: If you've used Denizen to manage...