Added missing 1.19+ blocks.
Added 1.20+ blocks.
The search now uses a virtual anvil inventory, in which the user can rename the item to search.
This update adds the following:
- A new selection method was implemented that relies on ray_trace_target.
- Players have options to change how this new added method works(raysize, ignoring_blocks).
- Billboard option added, to change the item displays billboard.
- Scale all option added, to...
Icecapade updated Item Display Editor with a new update entry:
New selection logic, more options and player configurations.
Read the rest of this update entry...
You ever wanted to yeet Meteorites into your world? With the help of this scripter utility, you can achieve just that!
1.19.4 and latest Denizen DEV is required.
You can find a GIF without shaders here: https://image.icecapa.de/meteorite.gif
A scripter utility which creates pyramids.
To create a pyramid out of cobblestone_stairs with a sandstone_slab on top.
- run CREATE_PYRAMID def.center:<player.location> def.slab:sandstone_slab def.stair:cobblestone_stairs def.size:5