- Denizen Version
- 1.2.0-b5651-DEV
This simple to use script provides every color-related features you'd ever need!
Convert any color to any other color: a color tag to a chat format, some RGB to a dye color, even location and item tags, as long as they are colored blocks! (Wool, concrete, etc...)
You need only two things: a color input, and specify what output format you want!
And it can make gradients too! (Special thanks to Cloudshadow which gradient script widely inspired my version)
<color input> can be any color: §0-F, R,G,B, #123456, light_blue, "fancy blue"*, locationtag, <player.item_in_hand>, whatever that somehow inputs a color. For elements (texts) with color, you can input them directly; it'll take the last color. No need to strip the text, put full sentences as is if needed.
*works with the display names you set in the config
<output type> can be:
Details of what each is is in the script itself, same with usage exemples.
It'll automatically make a gradient between both colors using the same color conversion method as the other outputs type, meaning you can make a gradient between your chat prefix and a bloc of clay. Funky.
You can even add some text formatting with a special data input: ...|GRADIENT\<&l><&o>|...
Whatever you put between a backslash and the next pipe will be added between each letter of the gradient: it can be underlines, bold or even other characters if you want your gradient to be separated by something.
You can edit the display names, a display RGB version of colors and a <&[custom_color]> version, and this per color!
WARNING: This procedure has a lot of things going on so even though i tested it, bugs may still occur. Don't hesitate to ping me in Discord if you find any error!
Convert any color to any other color: a color tag to a chat format, some RGB to a dye color, even location and item tags, as long as they are colored blocks! (Wool, concrete, etc...)
You need only two things: a color input, and specify what output format you want!
And it can make gradients too! (Special thanks to Cloudshadow which gradient script widely inspired my version)
<proc[ColorEngine].context[<color input>|<output type>]>
<color input> can be any color: §0-F, R,G,B, #123456, light_blue, "fancy blue"*, locationtag, <player.item_in_hand>, whatever that somehow inputs a color. For elements (texts) with color, you can input them directly; it'll take the last color. No need to strip the text, put full sentences as is if needed.
*works with the display names you set in the config
<output type> can be:
Details of what each is is in the script itself, same with usage exemples.
, however, requires a special synthax:<proc[ColorEngine].context[<color input1>|GRADIENT|<color input2>|<text>]>
It'll automatically make a gradient between both colors using the same color conversion method as the other outputs type, meaning you can make a gradient between your chat prefix and a bloc of clay. Funky.
You can even add some text formatting with a special data input: ...|GRADIENT\<&l><&o>|...
Whatever you put between a backslash and the next pipe will be added between each letter of the gradient: it can be underlines, bold or even other characters if you want your gradient to be separated by something.
You can edit the display names, a display RGB version of colors and a <&[custom_color]> version, and this per color!
WARNING: This procedure has a lot of things going on so even though i tested it, bugs may still occur. Don't hesitate to ping me in Discord if you find any error!