Recent content by Icecapade

  1. Icecapade

    Discord Marketplace (Script)

    Please do not spam. You can always ask on Discord for help
  2. Icecapade

    Fake attack when right clicking on a player

    Support is on Discord @
  3. Icecapade

    [Sloved] Citizens type as chest

    Support is on Discord @
  4. Icecapade

    Not a working script

    Support is on Discord
  5. Icecapade

    dCreative - [1.20+] Update

    [Additions] Added missing 1.19+ blocks. Added 1.20+ blocks. [Changes] The search now uses a virtual anvil inventory, in which the user can rename the item to search.
  6. Icecapade


    Icecapade updated dCreative with a new update entry: [1.20+] Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Icecapade

    dPrevention - Fixes

    This version fixes the display for Polygons within the /dPrevention admininfo command and also the removal of admin claims.
  8. Icecapade


    Icecapade updated dPrevention with a new update entry: Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Icecapade

    Progressbar 1.0.0

    A script which creates a progressbar. Documentation:
  10. Icecapade


    Icecapade submitted a new resource: Progressbar - A scripter utility to generate progressbars. Read more about this resource...
  11. Icecapade

    Item Display Editor

    Icecapade updated Item Display Editor with a new update entry: Bugfix Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Icecapade

    WIP Item Display Editor - Bugfix

    This update fixes the ability to dupe items.
  13. Icecapade

    WIP Item Display Editor - New selection logic, more options and player configurations.

    This update adds the following: - A new selection method was implemented that relies on ray_trace_target. - Players have options to change how this new added method works(raysize, ignoring_blocks). - Billboard option added, to change the item displays billboard. - Scale all option added, to...
  14. Icecapade

    Item Display Editor

    Icecapade updated Item Display Editor with a new update entry: New selection logic, more options and player configurations. Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Icecapade

    WIP Item Display Editor 1.0.5

    A utility which lets your players place item_displays. Documentation comes later I'm lazy and tired..