Recent content by Baivo

  1. B

    Infobots! 1.1.0

    Create and configure floating holograms, hassle-free! Requries: Citizens, Depenizen Restricted to support minecraft formatting only, this system is designed to allow access to staff and players with no prior plugin or Denizen knowledge. Usage: Command permission: B1V.infobot /infobot create...
  2. B


    Baivo submitted a new resource: Infobots! - Hassle free holograms! Read more about this resource...
  3. B

    netblocks 1.0.0

    Hello, virile gamers. I am releasing the first version of my netblocks system for the gilded yet greasy hands of my fellow degenizens. "What are netblocks?" They are map triggers, but cooler. Command blocks, but cooler. It comes in two parts. The Netblock Think of this like a router, or a...
  4. B


    Baivo submitted a new resource: netblocks - Denizen compatible map triggers for the builders in my life. Read more about this resource...